Cannon Hill April 2022 News

Hello to our wonderful Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre families! From the Office We hope everyone has had a lovely Easter break and that not too much chocolate was consumed. Our children were very involved in doing some wonderful Easter experiences in the lead up to Easter weekend. Our Easter Bonnet Parade and egg hunt…

Cannon Hill March 2022 Newsletter - Early Learning Centre

Cannon Hill March 2022 News

Hello to our wonderful Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre families! From the Office Welcome to our March newsletter.  We have had a very busy month with lots of events and special days. Our first big event day was Crazy Hair Day in support of the Leukaemia Foundation. your donations raised $90 in gold coin donations which…

Kids at the table learning alphabets - Language development in kids guidance for parents - Your ELC

Language Development in Children Guidance for Parents

The most significant period for obtaining language and speech abilities fall within the first three years of living when the brain is nurturing and developing. Language development builds children’s capability to effectively communicate, express emotions, understand feelings, think, learn, maintain relationships, and solve problems. As parents are a child’s first official teacher, ensuring parents have…