Hello to our wonderful Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre families!
From the Office
We hope everyone has had a lovely Easter break and that not too much chocolate was consumed. Our children were very involved in doing some wonderful Easter experiences in the lead up to Easter weekend. Our Easter Bonnet Parade and egg hunt was so much fun and we saw many children enjoy creating bonnets and baskets. to those of you who did these at home-what an amazing effort! we were blown away with everyone’s creativity and enthusiasm.

Upcoming Events
We still have a couple of public holiday weeks coming up so please be advised that our centre will be closed on :
Monday 25th April – ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Monday 2nd May – Labour Day Public Holiday
Term 2 has officially begun and we have had a few children move to new rooms within the centre. Everyone is settling into their new environments really well and we are so proud to see them exploring and taking on new challenges.
The next Month will see quite a few events happening.
4th May – Star Wars Day- dress up in your favourite star wars character or star wars gear.
3rd-6th May – Mother’s day Stall open for children to purchase a gift for mum.
6th May: Mothers Day Morning Tea and pamper morning
17th-19th May: School Photos
25th May: National Simultaneous Storytime
Friendly Reminders
Breakfast: Please be reminded that we only serve breakfast up until 7.30am. We have noticed that there are a few children coming in with breakfast after this time or only 5 minutes before. Please ensure your child has had breakfast before they arrive at the centre if you are arriving after 7.30am as we cannot serve after this time.
Covid 19 and Illness: Once again, we ask that you, please keep your child at home if they are unwell. We are having another wave of Covid and what may seem like just a cold may very well not be. Please…if your child has any symptoms of Covid 19 then test to make sure before coming into the centre. It also needs to be mentioned that if you or anyone on your children’s contact list who is a positive case or are a close contact cannot attend the centre, not even for collection or drop off. We ask that everyone please follow the government guidelines in regard to this to help reduce the transfer of the virus through the centre.
Complying Written Agreements: Recently a number of families were sent out a CWA to sign and return. These are basically a confirmation of your child’s bookings within the centre. If you have not yet returned these, can you please do so as soon as possible as we need to keep these on file.