Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Explained

Last updated March 2024

Have you applied for your Child Care Subsidy (CCS)? The CCS is not always easy to understand. We’re here to support you every step of the way. The CCS is a government subsidy that offers different levels of financial assistance to help cover the cost of childcare for Australian families. How much you receive depends on your individual circumstances. You can apply here: Child Care Subsidy


What are the CCS Requirements?

There are several requirements to qualify for the CCS. You may qualify if:

  • You or your partner care for the child a minimum of two nights per fortnight
  • You or your partner are responsible for childcare fees
  • The child meets immunization requirements
  • You use an approved childcare service – like us!


How much CCS will I be entitled to?

This will depend on three factors:

  • How much ‘work-related’ activity (see you and your partner undertake each fortnight. The entitlement is based on the lesser activity figure for a member of a couple.
  • Your total combined family income.
  • The amount of child care and early education undertaken.
Check Your CCS Eligibility Here

Did you know CCS is paid directly to the childcare centre that your child is attending, so your out-of-pocket expense is lower? You simply pay the gap fee. Calculate your out-of-pocket expense here: Child Care Subsidy Calculator

How to apply in MYGOV?

  1. Sign in to MyGov and go to Centrelink.
  2. Select ‘Payment and Claims’ from the menu, then ‘Claims’, then ‘Make a claim’.
  3. Under ‘Families’, select ‘Get started’.
  4. Answer all the questions. Each screen has information to help you complete the claim, this includes how to submit your supporting documents.
  5. Submit your claim.
  6. You can track the progress of your claim online, every step of the way.

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