Hello to our wonderful Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre families!
From the Office
Welcome to our March newsletter.
We have had a very busy month with lots of events and special days.
Our first big event day was Crazy Hair Day in support of the Leukaemia Foundation. your donations raised $90 in gold coin donations which will be donated to the foundation. We saw lots of fun hairstyles and crazy colours on the day.
St Patricks Day was all about the colour green and we had loads of fun with face paint, hairspray and activities. There was Green everywhere!
Our multicultural banquet to celebrate Harmony Day was a wonderful culinary experience for all of the children. Thank you to everyone who sent in your dishes from various cultural backgrounds for everyone to try. It was so wonderful to see the children trying new foods and discussing different ingredients and recipes.

Upcoming Events
Our next big event within the centre is our Easter Bonnet Parade on Thursday 14th April. This is where we need parents to help their children create a fun and exciting easter hat to wear in our parade. There will be a fun egg hunt and lots of activities to engage in.
Public holidays: Friday 15th of April is Good Friday and Monday 18th of April is Easter Monday. Our centre will be closed on these days.
Extra Curricular
Billies Buddies and Happy Feet have returned to the centre.
Coach Ayden will be here for Billys Buddies on Tuesday mornings and Miss Bec will be here for Happy Feet class on Thursday mornings. Enrolment in these classes is parent choice and you can enrol through their websites:
Billys Buddies: https://www.billysbuddies.com.au
Happy Feet: https://www.happyfeetfitness.com.au
Many of you have probably already met our new staff members within the centre. Miss Danielle, Miss Belinda and Miss Caitlyn are all fast becoming a part of the Cannon Hill Team. Please feel free to say hello to these lovely ladies.
Miss Caitlyn will be stepping in as the nursery assistant alongside Miss Naomi while Miss Sue steps into a multi-aged educators role and then into toddlers as Miss Pam goes on maternity leave in the coming month.
We would also like to welcome back Miss Lauren after a long absence.
Friendly Reminders
Lunchboxes: As per our last newsletter we would again like to request that parents refrain from sending whole lunchboxes into the centre for afternoon tea. We just do not have the capacity to store these and also once children realise they have a lunchbox they quite often refuse to eat our lovely lunch meals and ask for snacks. Please remember that late afternoon tea is just a snack and only requires one or two items for the children to get them through until dinner,
Thank you to those parents who have already altered this and are now just sending in a small afternoon snack in small bags, small containers and even small pencil cases(what a wonderful and creative idea)
Breakfast: We are still seeing some children coming into the centre with breakfast after 7.30 am. Please note that we will not be able to serve breakfast after this time. If your child requires breakfast you will need to be at the centre before 7.30 am.
Illness: If your child is displaying symptoms of being unwell, please do not give them Panadol and send them to the centre. Ill children need to be kept at home and checked by a doctor. If your doctor has prescribed Panadol for a non-contagious reason such as teething we require a doctor’s letter stating what the Panadol is for and its dosage. Please note that this is only valid until the end of the current week.
Children who are displaying signs of contagious illness will not be able to attend until a doctor’s clearance is provided. While something may look like a simple cold or a teething rash, it may not be and we still need to be vigilant and get these things checked by a doctor.