Underwood April 2022 Newsletter - Early Learning Centre

Underwood April 2022 News

Hello to our wonderful Underwood Early Learning Centre families! From The Office Welcome to Underwoods Monthly Newsletter. I would like to welcome all our new families to the centre and we hope you child’s education journey is long and fulfilling. We have our Easter Bonnet Parade coming up Wednesday 13th April, starting at 10.30am. Everyone is…

Underwood March 2022 News

Hello to our wonderful Underwood Early Learning Centre families! From The Office Welcome our new families and old to the monthly newsletter. I feel like we are back to some form of normal life again, with not having to wear masks now. We are asking parents to still be mindful of social distancing and sanitizing…

Kids at the table learning alphabets - Language development in kids guidance for parents - Your ELC

Language Development in Children Guidance for Parents

The most significant period for obtaining language and speech abilities fall within the first three years of living when the brain is nurturing and developing. Language development builds children’s capability to effectively communicate, express emotions, understand feelings, think, learn, maintain relationships, and solve problems. As parents are a child’s first official teacher, ensuring parents have…