Your local Early Learning Centre shares the health and developmental benefits of gardening for children.
Outdoor play including gardening can not only be a new, exciting learning activity for children, but it can also have a great effect on the development of various skills for children. Here are some of the benefits:
Improves Motor Skills
If you’ve ever spent time in the garden, you’ll know how much physical skill and movement is required for gardening. As children dig, plant, stretch, lift and water, they are able to build and adapt their motor skills effectively. Even the simple task of watering or picking out weeds requires a variety of movements for your child to learn. Your child will also be able to strengthen their muscles, grow stronger and be able to maintain better hand-eye coordination as their skills develop.
Learning the Life Cycles of Food
Gardening with your child will also teach them where fruit and vegetables come from, by physically planting, nurturing and watching them grow. By including your child in this activity, they will learn this does not happen overnight. Watching the seeds grow and eventually eating or gathering the plants they have grown will also give your child a sense of independence and achievement.
Heightens Senses
Gardening can heighten all senses in children. They can feel the dirt, see the vibrant colours and sizes of plants, hear the sound of leaves rustling, smell the fresh flowers and taste the herbs they have grown. By engaging all five senses, gardening can help children to better understand the world around them.
At your local Early Learning Centre, we have natural gardens at our centre where children can plant, water and care for lots of different plants and herbs. We also use this opportunity to show children how these different herbs can be used in food.
For more information on how we support and teach children how to garden, contact us today!
The Importance of Play to a Child’s Physical, Mental, and Social Development
We understand how important your child’s physical, mental, and social development is to you, it’s important to us as well. Your Local Early Learning Centre, explains how learning through play supports your child’s development in these key areas. – READ MORE