Hello to our wonderful Doolandella Early Learning Centre families!
We hope you have all had a great start to the year! The children are all settling into their new rooms well and have started their learning journey for 2021 with their new Educators. We are excited for all the fun learning experiences we will share with you all. We encourage family input, so if there is anything you would like to see the children learning about or participating in please share your ideas with the room Educators and Teachers.
Centre Painting
As you may have noticed our Centre has had a few changes to the exterior recently, with the large front wall on the building being painted and new signage going up there, as well as at the entrance to the Centre.
In the up coming weeks you will see the signage on the school bus getting a revamp, and the painters will be continuing the fresh painting on the interior of the Centre. This will brighten up the rooms and modernise those bright colourful feature walls we currently have in the classrooms.
We hope you like the changes!
Fun Smiles
Fun Smiles is a dental program that will be attending the Centre over a few weeks from the 26th of March.
If you are like me and find it hard to get the time to book in at the Dentist, for a check up for your children, this is the perfect option for you. The dentist and her assistants will run a dental health show for all of the children at the Centre and then, for children whose parents have completed the Parent Contact Form, their child will get a dental check up and clean, in the dental chair, onsite, here at the Centre. No need to book in for an appointment and take a day off work.
As this program is government funded, if you are eligible, your child will be able to receive this check up and clean for free. If you are not eligible, the Dentist has provided a discounted fee for children at our Centre.
World’s Greatest Shave
We are participating in the World’s Greatest Shave to show our support towards this worthy cause. It will be held on Friday the 12th of March at 10am.
The money we raise will help families doing it tough through blood cancer right now. It will also help brilliant research scientists continue their search for better ways to diagnose and treat blood cancer more effectively.
Miss Karen and Miss Cariad are taking the brave step and shaving their heads, sending a powerful message of hope, and other staff will be colouring their hair on the day.
Family and friends can donate to our Team at http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/doolandellaallstars. Please dig deep for this worthy cause.
One of our lovely parents who is a hair dresser is donating her time to shave the ladies hair on Friday. Thank you for your support Donna from Studio Arcane!!! Studio Arcane – Home | Facebook.