Hello to our wonderful Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre families!
From the Office
Hello to all of our families and friends and welcome to our latest newsletter. The end of the year is fast approaching and we are extremely busy in the centre organising events, portfolios, system changes and much more.
By now you all should have all created your accounts and downloaded your app for XAP. This means you should all be signing in and out on the kiosks with your new XAP kiosk codes. All guardians please ensure you have added all nominees to the account so they have a kiosk code and sign-in and out access. We have noticed that there are quite a few parents not signing their children in and out and we really need you to be doing this. At the end of the day, our staff will be checking rolls for children not signed out and will be signing them out at 6:15 pm. this will pose a problem for anyone on a session as late fees are charged automatically if you are late collecting from your session times.
Also as a side note in regard to session times. Please ensure you are staying within these times for drop off and collection. The session times do not alter.
As per any new system we have had some teething problems which we are slowly ironing out and we thank you for your patience while this occurs.
Many of you have been asking for room staffing for 2023 and last week we did a wonderful reveal with the children present. Announcing our staffing for 2023:
Nursery: Miss Kathryn (Lead Educator) and Miss Jess (Assistant Educator)

Toddlers: Miss April (Lead Educator), Miss Shayne (Assistant Educator)

Junior Kindy: Miss Ellyse (Lead Educator), Miss Priya (Assistant Educator)

Senior Kindy: Miss Bithi (Lead Educator) Miss Belinda (Assistant Educator)

Preschool: Miss Odette (Early Childhood Teacher), Miss Sue (Assistant Educator). NB: Miss Debra will also be assisting on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Multi-Aged Lead Educators: Miss Sarah (Educational Leader and 2IC), Miss Gabby, Miss Naomi and Miss Daniela

Multi-Aged Assistant Educators: Miss Kan and Miss Debra

Our school-based trainees- Abby and Kiarrah will also be here on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
We would like to congratulate all of our Preschoolers on a wonderful Graduation and we hope you are all excited about going to Prep next Year. Our Graduation was just lovely and our children performed for parents and received their preschool diplomas with pride. Well done everyone.

Friendly Reminders
Room Doors: Could all parents please ensure you are latching our room doors behind you when you enter and leave the rooms? We have noticed a lot of the doors are being left open and this makes it more difficult to supervise children who then may move in and out of an open door.
Shoes and climbing equipment: We have noticed many of our children coming in in beautiful princess and sparkle shoes. While these are very pretty, they are quite dangerous for children to climb and play on outdoor equipment with. we have been encouraging children to take these off while on the physical motor skills equipment and we would love for parents to please be reminding their children of this too. Any shoe that does not have a grip or a flexible sole can be a hazard on climbing equipment. Bare feet are the best thing ever for little climbers.
Upcoming Events
Thursday 8th December-Centre Christmas Party-6.30pm. Come along in your Christmas outfits, bring a plate or food to share, small change for the lolly and scrunchy jar guesses, and performances by Senior Kindy and Preschool.