Hello to our wonderful Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre families!
From the Office
November has seen some very busy little children and educators as we prepare for the end of year celebrations and events. The silly season vibe is in the air and our children have begun talking about the Christmas season in the classrooms. We are seeing displays in shopping centres and on television and media so this has been a major point of discussion for the children in all rooms. Our staff are busy organising end of year gifts and portfolios with the children
Our Pre School children have been busily preparing for their Graduation ceremony and we are looking forward to seeing them celebrate their achievements and receive their certificates for all of their efforts.
They have also been practising their Christmas performances along with our Senior Kindy group to share with their centre friends and their parents on our centre Christmas party day.
We recently celebrated our centre 16th birthday with a party day where we all dressed up in our party best. We had some yummy birthday cake, played games and drank pink lemonade. we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful parents for their support and loyalty over our 16 years. We are looking forward to the next 16 with everyone.
We have said goodbye to Miss Amy and Miss Arti over the past month. Amy has taken a job in admin and Arti has moved out of the area. We wish them both the best of luck in their future endeavours.
We have welcomed 3 new staff as well. Miss Anjali who has commenced at our centre as a trainee and studying her Certificate 3, Miss Alex who is beginning her early childhood education journey with us and also studying her Certificate 3 and Miss Natasha who holds her diploma in Children’s services.

We are excited to announce our staffing for 2022
Centre Manager: Miss Kelly
Educational Leader/2IC: Miss Sarah
Nursery: Miss Naomi(Lead Educator), Miss Sue(Assistant)
Toddlers: Miss Gabby(Lead Educator), Miss Ellyse and Miss Pam(Assistants)
Junior Kindy: Miss Bithi(Lead Educator), Miss April(Assistant)
Senior Kindy: Miss Kathyrn(Lead Educator), Miss Priya(Assistant)
Pre School: Miss Odette(Early Childhood Teacher), Miss Lauren(Assistant)
Multi Aged Educators: Miss Kan, Miss Debra, Miss Alex, Miss Anjali
Inclusion Support Educator: Miss Natasha
Upcoming Events!
Pre School Graduation: Thursday 2nd December at 6:30 pm. Please check in on arrival. A schedule of the night has been sent out in children’s pockets for parents attending.
Children’s Christmas Party and performances: Thursday 9th December. Our Christmas Party is again in the centre with the staff and children this year. Our Preschool and Senior Kindy parents are invited to watch their children’s Christmas performances from 9:30 am-10:15 am. Children can wear their favourite Christmas outfit and we will be having an in-centre dance Party, face painting, games and a Christmas pudding feast. Please bring in a wrapped book clearly named for your child to receive from Santa by Wednesday 8th December as Santa will be visiting the children later in the day. Please don’t worry about photos with Santa as our staff will be organizing this.
Christmas tree Competition: We will be holding our Christmas tree competition again this year. Please send through a photo of your Christmas tree for display. We will be voting over the next few weeks before Christmas. Our winner will be announced on Christmas Eve!
Centre Cookbook: This year we are creating a Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre cookbook as a small fundraiser for the centre. The cookbooks will be $10 each and will contain many of the recipes Miss Amy used to cook in the centre along with some of our own staff recipes. If you would like to add one of your family recipes to the book please send them through to cannonhill@yourelc.com.au by Friday 3rd December
Reenrolments for 2022: These will be out next week. Please check your forms to ensure your correct bookings have been recorded and let Kelly or Sarah know if anything is incorrect.
Friendly Reminders
Disabled Carpark: Please do not park in the disabled parking space unless you have a disabled parking sticker for your vehicle. We do have some families who genuinely need this space and by law it needs to be left vacant for those who require it.
Ill children: We have seen an increase of children being sent into the centre unwell and would like to remind parents that children need to be kept at home if they are sick. If your child requires paracetamol in the morning then they should stay at home and recover.
Lunchboxes: We have also seen an increase in lunchboxes coming into the centre for afternoon tea. We really only need a small snack at afternoon tea times and these are to be placed in the containers provided on the kitchen benches in the rooms.
Childrens kindy clothes: We advise parents to send their children into kindy in clothes that are allowed to be painted on, dirtied, wet and sometimes misplaced. We strongly advise against designed clothes and shoes being sent into the centre for these reasons. While we endeavour to keep track of all children’s items there are times when they go astray or become soiled.