Hello to our wonderful Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre families!
From the Office
Hello everyone Its been a busy month of May and we have lots of exciting things coming up on our schedule over the next few weeks as we head into June as well.
Earlier this week our children participated in National Simultaneous Story Time from Space. This was a truly wonderful experience where the children were able to listen to a story read by Astronaut Shannon Walker from the International Space Station. This is a yearly event held by the Australian Library and Information Association, where a picture book by an Australian author is chosen to be shared. Thousands of children from around the country tuned in at the same time and we are so very honored to be a part of it. The book this year is called “Give me some Space” by Author Phillip Bunting.
In addition to this if you would like to see the many stories read from space you can find these on the Youtube page Story Time from Space. There is a large selection of pre-recorded stories read by astronauts. Here is the link storytime from space – YouTube.
We hope all of our Mums and Grandmas had a lovely Mothers Day. Your children were all very busy in the weeks ahead of Mothers day creating some special gifts for you. We had so many cute little shoppers at our Mothers Day stall and thank you to those who donated items for both the stall and the Mothers Day Raffle. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Upcoming Events
26th May: National Sorry Day
5th June: World Environment Day
9th June: State of Original (wear your own colours)
21st June: International Day of Yoga
2nd – 23rd June: School Photo Days
28th June – 2nd July: Parent-Teacher Interviews
During the month of June, we will be going Pink for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. we have created a fundraising page and will be organising a series of intercentre events and special “Pink” days to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research. We are just putting the final touches to our Pink agenda and we will be sending that out to families soon so please stay tuned! In the meantime, you can head over to our page and donate. Any amount big or small helps.
National Breast Cancer Foundation – Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre (nbcf.org.au)
Miss Sarah and Miss Gabby will be returning from their practical experiences next week and will be back in their rooms with the children.
Miss Dianne will be on leave from 25th May-16th June.
Miss Naomi will be on leave from 26th-28th May.
Miss Taylor will be on leave from 7th-11th June.
Miss Laurens leg has healed and she has finally been able to return on shorter hours over the last few weeks. She will be out on the main floor again next week joining Miss Sarah and Miss Naomi in the Toddler room again.
We are so happy to welcome back Miss Ai who is returning to the centre from maternity leave on Monday 24th May. Welcome Back! Miss Ai will be on the main floor Mondays and Wednesdays and in the kitchen on Tuesdays and Thursdays so Miss Amy can spend more time with the children as well.
Friendly Reminders
Staff bathroom: While we are more than happy to share our adult bathroom with our parents, we kindly request that your children toilet in the room toilets. There is a schoolies toilet with a closing door in the SK/PS bathroom for older children to use.
Donations: We appreciate donations of paper, craft materials, wooden toys and books. We already have enough clothes and toys though so we are not needing these at this time.
Illness and medical clearances: Just a reminder to please ensure that your children are not ill when attending our centre. It is cold and flu season however we still need to be very vigilant. If your child is fluey please keep them at home. If they present with any kind of rash, cough or temperature please do the same. All unknown rashes do require medical clearance before the child can attend. Medical clearances are also required if your child had had an infectious illness. Please also remember that if your child has been vomiting, had diarrhea or a temperature, they need to be excluded from the centre for 24 hours from the last occurrence.