Hello to our wonderful Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre families!

From the Office
Is it July already? Where has the year gone? Our winter season is in full swing and we are enjoying the crisp fresh air that the cold weather brings to us. Outdoor experiences have been delightful in the winter sunshine and our children really benefit from the many learning opportunities that winter brings. Outdoor play in winter provides children with experiences to learn about weather and seasons and the life cycle of plants. It allows children to learn to dress themselves appropriately for outdoor play and most importantly reduces the risk of the spread of germs and infections. we ask that parents please ensure that they are sending their child with warm clothes and shoes as we will be continuing to play outdoors throughout the winter season. Remember, it isn’t the cold that causes illness in children, it is exposure to germs and toxins!
Following on with our topic of illness we have begun to notice some children being sent into the centre unwell again. We do know that work commitments make keeping your children at home difficult however we have policies in place that require unwell children to be kept at home when sick. We follow guidelines in the NHMRC’s Staying Healthy in Childcare 5th edition. This outlines the “minimum” exclusion periods and requirements for illness and infectious diseases. Our centre has an obligation to prevent the spread of communicable diseases as much as we can. During this Covid-19 pandemic, ANY symptom of covid-19 must be cleared. You can find the updated list of symptoms here: Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) | Health and wellbeing | Queensland Government (www.qld.gov.au)
We have noticed some children presenting with coughs lately. We thank all of the parents who have been keeping their children home in an attempt to help them get better. We are asking parents to provide a doctor’s clearance for coughs and any other symptoms of Covid-19, unfortunately, a verbal doctors clearance is not sufficient. With the continuing concern with outbreaks in community, we need to be vigilant. Please- if your child is unwell – Keep them at home! When they come into the centre unwell, they risk infecting other children and our staff. If a child presents unwell at the centre we will call parents to come and collect them. This will help stop the spread of infectious illnesses.
We ask that all parents ensure that they are contactable during the day as we have had instances when children have been unwell and we could not contact parents immediately. We need for you to be contactable in the case of an emergency. If your child has a serious incident or there was an incident at the centre eg: fire evacuation, we need to be able to contact you.
Parent/Teacher Meetings
In reflecting on our parent-teacher interviews our staff have been discussing how we can assist with some of our parent inquiries and requests about children’s behaviours, routines and emotional development. The following link is to the Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) website. Their online course is free and there are instructions on how to sign up. Triple P has been around for over 25 years and has assisted many families. Online parenting courses | proven to work | Triple P Online – Triple P Positive Parenting Queensland (triplep-parenting.net.au)
National Pyjama Day: Friday 23rd July we will be having our Pyjama Day. Children can come to the centre in their PJ’s and join in watching some movies and having some sneaky snacks.

Sleep and Rest Period
As you are aware our children are required to have a rest period throughout the day. This is a time where their little bodies relax, rejuvenate and recover from their busy mornings. Young children require some sleep throughout the day as it is a basic need. Many of our young children arrive early in the morning so by after lunch they are physically and mentally exhausted! As children become older they may not sleep throughout the day however are encouraged to rest during the quiet times of the day. We have had a few requests that our younger children do not sleep or be woken up after a certain time frame. While we can encourage children to stay awake with quiet activities during this time it is our Duty of Care to allow the children the right to their basic health needs-one of them being sleep. Therefore if your child falls asleep we must allow them to rest as their body is requiring it.
If you are experiencing difficulties with your child going to bed at night, incorporating consistent routines is one of the most effective ways to combat bedtime battles. The below are some links to articles:
Upcoming Events
Share the Dignity-Dignity Drive | 1st-30th August |
Pie drive Delivery Day | 5th August |
Jeans for Genes Day | 6th August |
EKKA Show Public Holiday-Centre closed | 11th August |
Science Week | 14th-22nd August |
Ocean Life Workshop | 19th August |
Book Week Parade-old worlds, New worlds, Other worlds | 26th August |
Pink June!
We would like to thank everyone who participated in Pink June and donated towards the National Breast Cancer Foundation. We raised $355 towards this very worthy cause while having a lot of fun at our events.

Recipe of the Month: Coconut Cake
We use this recipe within the centre as it caters to all children including those with allergies.
- 1 cup desiccated coconut
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 1/2 cup caster sugar
- 1 cup allergy free SR Flour
- Preheat oven to 180 degrees
- Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Line a loaf tin with baking paper
- Pour the mixture in.
- Bake for 40 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.