Hello to our wonderful Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre families!
From the Office
We are well into our year. 2023 is moving forward so fast and we are now into term 2. Can you believe it?
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break. Some of our children came back with some amazing holiday stories to share and we absolutely love hearing them. Camping was very popular over the holidays as was the beach.
Coming up this term we have many exciting experiences and themes for the children to participate in. Our curriculum is rich with engaging activities to enhance whole child development. You can view our educator’s program plans on the locker tops in their rooms. These are displayed every week and are added to on a daily basis as the children extend their interests.
We are primarily posting learning journals and observations on our XAP site now and are no longer using the EDUCA platform so please ensure you have logged into XAP and created your account. we will send out information soon on how to download your child’s profile from EDUCA. We have found in the past few weeks that when setting up guardians some parents have not been given permission to view the XAP information about the children. If you are the primary guardian setting up the account, please ensure you are checking this to make sure your other guardians have access to the child’s information.

We have also discovered that if grandparents or family overseas wish to see this information you will need to add them as a “guardian” rather than a “nominee” in order to access this information. Just ensure you do not add them as the “Primary Guardian”.
We do apologise for all of the hiccups we are having with the new app and appreciate your patience while we work towards sorting these all out.
Upcoming Events
May 1st: Public Holiday- Our centre will be closed.
May 4th: Star Wars Day: Feel free to dress up in your Star Wars gear.
May 8th-12th: Mother’s Day Stall
May 12th: Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea @ 2.30pm
May 24th: National Simultaneous Storytime.
May 26th: National Sorry Day
May 31st: State of Origin Game 1-wear your colours!
Mother’s Day Stall and Afternoon Tea
Our Mother’s Day stall will be held from 8th-12th March. We are requesting donations to add to our stall, please. There is a basket in the front foyer for donation collections. Anything at all, big or small is appreciated as we would like to have a varying array of gifts for the children to choose from. Gifts will be priced from $3 to $15. As per every year, we will have a money log in each room. Please hand your child’s spending money to a staff member on the day and then log it on the money log for us. We also kindly ask that parents send a shopping bag in for the gift to go into so their child can secretly bring it home to wrap.
Our Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea will be held on Friday 12th May from 2.30pm-4pm. We will have some lovely munchies prepared for our mums and an afternoon of pampering and activities. Please RSVP to the office so we know how many people to cater for. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Staff Leave and Holidays
Currently, Miss Odette is off recovering from an injury so Miss Gabby has been running the Kindergarten curriculum for the last week and will continue to do so until Thursday 27th April.
Miss Kan is on holiday and will be returning to the Toddler room on 8th May.
Miss Debra is currently on leave and will be returning on 2nd May.
Miss Danie is on leave and will be returning on 27th April.
Miss Sarah and Miss Gabby will be absent from the centre from 28th April until 31st May as they complete their FINAL prac in their teaching degrees. Wish them luck! We know they are both going to do great!
Late Afternoon Snack
We sent home notes and an email last week regarding lunch boxes in the centre and late afternoon snacks. Thank you to all of our families who have understood and followed our requests and have sent in smaller snacks and removed the large lunch boxes from the kitchens. Just a friendly reminder that we only need one or two small snacks for late afternoon tea in a small named Ziplock bag, small container, or even a small pencil case. We simply don’t have room for large lunchboxes, and we do not want to encourage children to eat large amounts of food so close to dinner time. If you would like to send dinner in for your child you are more than welcome, and we can heat it up and serve it to them.
Police Visit
We were so excited to meet David and Savannah from Morningside police station last week. They talked to us about their job and how they help protect us in the community. The children were able to ask a lot of questions about the police uniform and cars, how sirens work, and how they can help us. They spoke about how police officers were safe and here to help us if we need them.
We then went outside to see their police car and some of the children were able to sit inside the car and see all of the equipment that police officers require to do their job. We heard the siren which was really exciting as well.
This was a great opportunity for the children to learn more about those who help us in our community. We want children to be able to approach police officers if they are in trouble or need help. This is why it is very important not to threaten undesirable behaviours in children by calling the police, as in a real emergency they may not have the trust to approach them when they need to.
Quote of the Month