Hello to our wonderful Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre families!
From the Office
Welcome to the March edition of our newsletter.
We have welcomed some more families to our centre and we hope you are all settling into our Cannon Hill community.
We have had quite a busy past month.
Thank you to everyone who participated and donated to Crazy hair day at the centre. We were able to donate the funds to the Leukemia Foundation. The children all had a blast getting their hair coloured and it was for a great cause.
We also had a grand time dressing in green on St Patricks Day and celebrating with some exciting art and crafts and games.
Our children also participated in experiences to celebrate Holi-the festival of colour. Each room caters specifically to their age group with ideas and activities based on colour.
We also celebrated Harmony Day and had a wonderful cultural banquet of food to share. Thank you to all of our families who sent in a special dish for our children to try.
The children have all been assisting in revamping our gardens with new plants. Unfortunately, the extreme heat has not been kind and some of our plants have died on us so we will be starting over again. If anyone has any seedlings or cuttings that they would like to donate we would be more than grateful. We are creating vegetable gardens up the back of the big yard and we have a herb garden being created in the toddler yard. We just need plants that are non-toxic for the safety of the children.
Upcoming Events
Date | Event |
27th March | Purple day for Epilepsy Awareness |
6th April | Easter Bonnet Parade-10am/Easter Raffle drawn 12pm |
7th April | Good Friday-Our centre will be closed |
10th April | Easter Monday- Our centre will be closed |
Kenshi Candles
KENSHI CANDLES: We will have these for another week or so and they have now been reduced to just $15 each. So if you would like to purchase a candle for yourself or as a gift please head to the front foyer and scan the bar code on our Kenshi candles poster. The website will direct you to order. Don’t forget to add the special promo code for your discount and name the centre where you bought the candles from. Please show the staff your payment receipt and they can get your candles for you from the staffroom.
Each candle sold donates 6 packets of pasta to the FairShare kitchen at Morningside so this is a really worthwhile cause.

We have a few of our old picnic tables to give away to any families that may want one. If you would like to take one please let our friendly staff know and we can organise for you to collect.
Easter Raffle
We have decided to hold a flash Easter raffle. Tickets are out in your child’s pocket and are $2 each. Please have all money and tickets returned to the office by close of business 5th April. We will be drawing the raffle at lunchtime on Thursday 6th April before the easter break.

Friendly Reminders
HATS: We provide all children with a centre hat. Could all parents please ensure you are leaving your child’s hat here at the centre in their locker? We have noticed many of them are going home and then not coming back in. We do have a sun-safe policy and we need to ensure that all children have their hats for outdoor play.
SHEETS: when sending sheets in for the rest period please ensure they are in a sheet bag or pillowcase. We are required to have sheets in a bag to avoid cross-contamination. we also ask that parents please refrain from sending in pillows and bulky blankets as these are very difficult to store and we don’t really have the room. Please also ensure that you are taking your child’s bedding home at the end of their week for washing to be returned the next week.
SIGNING IN AND OUT: There are still many families who are not signing in and out on the front kiosks. this is a legal requirement in order for you to receive your childcare subsidy. We do understand that we have some technical difficulties with our XAP system however we do note some parents are not even attempting to sign their children in and out. Your CCS may be withheld from your account and full fees applied if your sign-in and outs are not completed so please ensure you are doing this.
PHOTOS AND PERMISSIONS: Just a reminder that we will only be posting photos of children who have been given permission on XAP. Most of you who had ticked for no images internally or group posts have been approached by staff and the discrepancies have been rectified. If you have still chosen these options on XAP we need to follow them so please make sure you have corrected your permissions in your account.