Letter blocks scattered - Your ELC

How to Support Your Child’s Communication Skills

Your ELC shares the benefits drawing has on children’s development. As your child grows and develops their language skills, they will also develop their communication skills. Communication is a key part of their development, and good communication can help your child feel safe and secure in their environment while also helping them develop their other…

Cleveland July 2022 Newsletter - Early Learning Centre

Cleveland July 2022 News

Welcome to Cleveland Early Learning Centre May Newsletter! Welcome to July. Only 6 more months till Santa comes to visit & most of the Kindergarten children graduate & go off to big schools 🙁 So much has been happening in the centre. First, we celebrated Naidoc Week, with the children engaging in a variety of…

Underwood July 2022 Newsletter - Early Learning Centre

Underwood July 2022 News

Hello to our wonderful Underwood Early Learning Centre families! Welcome to the winter newsletter. Well, hasn’t it gotten cold fast? Hello to our new families, this newsletter is to keep you up to date on what’s going to happen throughout the month. We have a few new faces around the centre. Miss Jenny has come…

Daisy Hill July 2022 Newsletter - Your ELC

Daisy Hill July 2022 News

Hello everyone from our Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre! Nursery News Welcome to our new little friends! We are so lucky to share in the journey of all of our beautiful children but there is something extra special when they are so little! The time spent together has built such strong and beautiful connections with the…

A kid brushing his teeth - Your ELC

Dental Van Visit

Dear Families, Fun Smiles Dental Service will be visiting our centre in the coming weeks. Please find further information on the service below as well as details regarding the Government Funded Child Dental Benefits Scheme for eligible families. Fun Smiles also offer private dental checks if your child is not eligible under the Child Dental…