Hello to our wonderful Underwood Early Learning Centre families!
Welcome to Underwood ELC Monthly Newsletter!
Welcome our new families and old to the June Newsletter. This month is shaping up to be very cold, remember to layer your child’s clothing at this time of year and bring spare shirts, pants, socks and jumper incase they get wet.
Signing in Each Day
Please remember to sign your child/ children each day they arrive at care. We rely on you signing in each morning in case of an emergency, we must be able to account for each child. Thank you to the families that are already doing this each morning and afternoon, it is appreciated.
Individual and class photos are now available to pick up from the office, if you haven’t done so already. If you didn’t order photos and your child was here on the day you can still order, Leanne has photo samples for you to see the photo and you can order from that if you wish too.
New Educator
We would like to welcome our newest educator Miss Tracey. Tracey is Diploma qualified and has had many years of experience in the early childhood industry. Tracey will be filling in when anyone is away sick or on annual leave.