Hello to our wonderful Doolandella Early Learning Centre families!
From The Office
Welcome to all our new families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC. The weather is warming up and the children have been taking advantage of the new playground water features. Please remember to dress your child appropriately. We have a ‘no hat no play’ policy so please ensure your child has a hat daily so they can continue to participate in outdoor play activities.

2022 Re-Enrolment Forms
Thank you for supporting Doolandella Early Learning Centre throughout 2021. Can you believe 2022 is less than 100 days away!
With this in mind, we have commenced the re-enrolment process for all children for next year. During the next few weeks, we will be accepting re-enrolment forms for current centre families before opening enrolment to waitlist families. To prioritise your bookings, please ensure you submit the form as soon as possible.
This link https://kal.fyi/DOOEOI provides access to the re-enrolment form. If the link does not work, please copy and paste the link into your web browser.
Please ensure you complete all areas including updates to your child’s medical condition or dietary requirements. If you would like to make adjustments to the days of attendance, please do so on the re-enrolment form. If you are taking holidays over the December / January period please fill in this section on the form. Once you complete and submit the form, it will be emailed directly to us.
We feel privileged each day that we can help support your child on their early learning journey. Thank you for your ongoing support in our centre.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parent/teacher interviews will be held next Wednesday 20th October. This is a great opportunity to discuss your child’s learning and development progress throughout the year. If you would like to make an appointment time, please do so by writing your name and your child’s name on the interview time sheet located outside your child’s classroom.
New Centre Fish
Having fish at our service gives children the opportunity to observe, interact and learn about animals. It is a valuable part of a child’s education and care experience, enriching their learning about nature, ecology and relationships. Providing children with access to the fish can help them learn about the life cycle and relationships, and improve communication. Each day children will take turns feeding the fish and with assistance from educators cleaning the tank. This experience provides opportunities for children to demonstrate an appreciation of living things and supports children to become environmentally responsible. Educators will use this opportunity to continue your child’s learning in the classroom through activities.

Dentist Visit
Dr Jaz Sohal – Dentist from Fun Smiles will be visiting the service on Monday the 11th October and Friday the 15th October to conduct 6 monthly health checks on the children. These visits have been prearranged with families who recently completed permission and medical forms.
On the day of the dentist visit children will participate in a fun educational session with Dr Jaz and her dental team. Kindergarten and Pre Kindy will participate in this educational program on Monday and Jnr Kindy & Tweenies will participate in the educational experience on Friday.
Children are then seen individually for their dental check with a staff member from the service. Children scheduled for dental checks will receive a take-home dental pack with a certificate, toothbrush, stickers and report card.
Fun Smiles mission is to bring optimum oral health to as many Australian children as possible. To make a difference and a contribution to the health of young children and their families. Working towards a society where we no longer have to suffer from dental diseases which are avoidable.
For more information please contact Dr Jaz at Fun Smiles on 07 2112 5991 or email admin@funsmiles.com.au