Welcome to all our new families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC
Thank you to all our families who have been patient with us whilst the new XAP system has been rolled out. Remember you can update your family and child information or pay your account either using the web portal at www.xap.rocks or the guardian smile app.
Please remember to sign your child in and out daily according to your session times to avoid charges on your account.

Re-Enrolments 2023
Re-enrolments for 2023 are now active. To complete this process, you will need to log in to XAP via the website at https://www.xap.rocks/. You will be adding your child/ren to the waitlist. The waitlist will only work via the web portal, not the guardian app.
A step-by-step guide for families, on how to re-enrol your child for 2023 has been emailed to you.
Christmas Portraits
Christmas Portraits are being held at the centre on Thursday 24th November & Friday 25th November. Don’t Miss Out!! Portraits will be held between 7.30 am and 11 am. Bookings are essential. Fill in the online booking form at https://qrco.de/bdSUjS Once portraits are completed, parents will receive an email and password for proofing and selection.

Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation will take place on Thursday the 8th of December at 5:30 pm.
Please ensure your child is at the Centre by 5:00 pm so they can be dressed for the ceremony. Parents of children with long hair, please do not put your child’s hair in a high ponytail or piggy tail as we have difficulty putting hats on.
Christmas Party
The children’s Christmas party will be held at the Centre on Friday the 9th of December starting at 6.00 pm. Raffle tickets will go on sale soon and a selection of raffle prizes will be on display in the foyer. Santa will make an appearance at 7.45 pm.