Hello everyone from our Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre!
Daisy Hill ELC would like to respectfully acknowledge the Yugambeh people, the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live. We also recognise those whose ongoing efforts to protect and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures will leave a lasting legacy for future Elders and leaders.
News from The Office
Welcome to the MAY edition of our monthly Newsletter and welcome to our new families! We hope that you are settling into centre life, if there is anything we can do take make your stay with us more enjoyable, please let us know!
Remember to like us on Facebook. This will help you keep up to date with centre events.
Reminder: Centre Photos are on the 25th & 26th of May between 8am – 10am.
House Keeping:
- Please ensure that your children’s belongings are clearly labelled.
- All children are to wear a hat in our outdoor environment, please enquire at the front office about a Daisy Hill ELC hat if you have not received your hat on enrolment. Otherwise, a hat from home must come with your child every day.
- Please ensure children have adequate warm clothing. The weather is cooling down very quickly.
- Please make sure your child is changed into their clothes for the day before they arrive. Staff are not responsible for changing children out of Pyjamas and night nappies and preparing them for their day.
Nursery News
Our Nursery classroom is an exciting place to be, especially over this past month. We are focusing on strengthening our bonds between educator and child to ensure the best outcomes are met for children. We have been exploring a lot of sensory experiences and the benefits of this kind of play from birth. Early on, babies learn about their world using their senses: seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling & tasting. As they grow, children’s senses are their most familiar way to explore their environment and process information.
Now that the weather has been cooling off it has also given the babies the opportunity to play in the beautiful mid-morning sunshine. The Nursery yard has great shade so the combination of cool weather and the sun has been bliss.
Toddler Room News
Hello all and welcome to another month from the Toddler room! We would like to welcome all our new families.
We have been having an absolute blast this last month! So many new friendships are blossoming and children are so settled and have anticipation of what is coming next. This allows children to feel safe and secure in their surroundings.
It is getting much colder, more quickly this year so we ask that you please provide warm clothing as well as a few changes of clothes just in case your child gets wet.
Important: Please remember to remove your child’s drink bottle at the end of the day from the basket. We do our best with infection control but sometimes it isn’t enough especially if drink bottles are left for days in the Container, without having more regular hot washing.
Explorer News
We would like to start off by talking about what we have done over the past month. As you may have seen from our room, we have been Focusing on our cultures and what makes us special. It has been so wonderful learning about all of the wonderful culturally diverse backgrounds we have in our centre.
The children have also really enjoyed learning about all the colours as each day we have observed the children talking to their friends about what colour clothes they are wearing.
Transitioning Children: If you have children transitioning into our room in the near future, please don’t hesitate to talk to us about any questions or concerns you may have. We want you to be a part of our little community.
Miss Yuki is in JAPAN for a month-long holiday, visiting her friends and family. Miss Marivic and Harleen will be replacing her whilst she is away. Have fun Yuki!!
Our classroom is buzzing with exciting activities and experiences for the children. Please feel free to stop by for a visit!
Kindergarten News
Welcome Miss Jenny! Miss Jenny is our new Kindergarten Teacher, she joins our Daisy Hill ELC community with many years of experience in the Early childhood and primary years. Please make her feel welcome 😄

Early Education
We have been engaging in a lot of outdoor experiences now that the weather is lovely and fresh. There has been a lot of community play, all of the children have been exploring different play spaces and have been settling in their own areas of interest. Exploring in the sandpit and garden area and also using our gross motor skills to climb up the frames and play chasing games has been a hot favourite for the children of late.
We want to ensure that each experience is an extension of your child’s home life which is why your family input is important, and is so important to our evolving program.
Through our programs, children will be able to learn through three main concepts: Being, Becoming and Belonging.
If you have any free time and would like to be a part of our class we would love to hear from you!