Hello everyone from our Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre!
Nursery News
Welcome to our new little friends! We are so lucky to share in the journey of all of our beautiful children but there is something extra special when they are so little!
The time spent together has built such strong and beautiful connections with the children.
Older children have started their transition to toddlers, We will continue to help the children with their transition and plan to still do some of our activities and experiences with my Miss Sara and the Toddler class.
We have been enjoying some outdoor and sensory experiences over the past few weeks. It has been lovely and crisp mid-morning so we have been spending some time playing in the sunshine! We have joined the older classrooms on a few occasions, taking part in their activities as well.
If you have any ideas or questions please feel free to come and see me,
Until next time
Linzi and Yuki
Toddler Time
Oh…. Hi July!
Our previous focus has been on strengthening our relationships with the children and making sure they feel connected and safe in their environment. We continue to build long lasting relationships with the children and encourage them to be well rounded, confident individuals. We are so proud of the children and the gains they have made throughout the year.
We have some new friends from the Nursery classroom that we welcomed. This also means that some of our Toddler children have since moved on to our Explorer classroom. Good luck friends.
We have been doing a lot of creative art experiences in the past few weeks, take a look around our room and see what you think!
If you have any ideas for our classroom or the centre I would love to hear from you.
Speak soon,
Sara and Harleen
Explorer News…
We have welcomed some new members to our class and we hope they are settling. We have had a child led focus of music and movement experiences! Exercise establishes a positive self-esteem and contributes to a healthy mind and body. The children have been having running races mid-morning when it is lovely and cool and have been playing games such as freeze and What’s the time Mr Wolf. The educators set a scene, creating different areas for the story “We’re on a bear hunt” …. the children enjoyed the experience so much it lasted for a lot longer than expected, the educators were very tired after singing the bear hunt song for the entire morning session!
We have also been focusing on trying to teach children about their own personal space and belongings, and that sharing is caring. We try to promote kindness and positive relationships with each other and the children in hopes that they too display this behaviour.
Please come and see our friendly staff if you have any ideas for our program, We would love to hear from you!
Miss Hayley, Miss Sara and Miss Kiran

Kindergarten News
Over the past six months, we have focused on friendship building: At the beginning of the year, various activities were introduced in the room to promote friendship. Most of this activity involves the whole class or small groups. We have embedded three group section into our daily routines which involve the whole class participation. In the next half of the year, I will be focusing on children building skills to cooperate with others, promoting reciprocal relationship, encouraging decision making and children contributing to fair decision making.
Another aspect of learning we focus on was letter recognition: we began by focusing on a letter of the alphabet each week, hands-on activities such as making letter A using playdough or drawing letter shapes on the sand.
When the children showed more confidence in their alphabet, we focused on children names. All the children engaged in identifying the first letter of their name and for children who showed a higher understanding of the alphabet. In the next half of the year, we will be focusing on children writing their first name and identifying their last name. I will also be focusing on more drawing, colouring, and some early writing skills.
Colour recognition was embedded into our daily transition, all the children identify the colour of their clothes every morning during the transition time. We also engaged in choosing a colour each week to explore which ended two months ago. Most of the children have a sound understanding of the colours. However, we will continue with our colour exploration in science. In this last half of the year, we will be focusing on identifying primary colours and mixing primary colours.
Shapes: Most of the children are confident in identifying their shapes.
Number and counting: Most of the children showed confident in their counting skills. However, I continue to challenge children’s knowledge by increasing the number to count. Most children can now count from 1 to 20. Also, I will be promoting some adding skills for the rest of the year.

I would like to thank all of the parents for your support so far, this year has been a roller coaster. But your open communication, friendliness and positivity made it much easier for us to support families and all the children.
As always, we are always available
Miss Rachael, Miss Marivic and Miss Aman